- Tiger Shark is scientifically known as ' Galeocerdo Cuvier '.
- It has a maximum growth of 13 to 16 feet and weighs up to 385 to 635 kilograms.
- They have 48 medium sized teeth.
- They prey mostly on bony fishes, dolphins and turtles.
- Tiger Sharks require about 10 kilograms of food per day.
- They can attain top speeds of 20 mph.
- They have a lifespan of over 12 human years.
- Tiger Sharks are known as the ' garbage cans of the sea '.
- They are the only heir of its Genus and are only about 2 to 2.5 feet in length when they are born.
- Tiger Sharks are ranked as 2nd in highest attacks on humans after the Great White.
- They have a lateral line on their body to help detect minute vibrations to kill prey and can swim down to depths of 3000 feet.
- But this Gamer fish is part of ' vulnerable species '. They are hunted for their fins, flesh and liver.