Saturday 21 April 2018

Strep throat

Strep throat is a kind of sore throat with fever caused due to bacterial infection. Now, Many people do not know the difference between a Strep and a Sore throat, But trust me when I say this, You can feel the difference.
A Sore throat causes difficulty to speak and swallow, The whole of your throat hurts. But in a strep throat, Not the whole of your throat hurts, It starts with your tonsils.
Strep throat is caused by a group of Streptococcus bacteria. It starts when you start feeling a slight irritation at your tonsils, It then develops into mild pain and won't hurt so much.

By this stage, If you observe carefully, You will find white dots or patches at the back of your throat followed by red blisters and ulcers on and under your tongue. Then comes a mild fever.  If it still isn't cured, You'll find rashes on your body.
But, Don't you worry. Strep throats lasts about 7 days and you might not even attain all of the symptoms mentioned above. Strep throats are very common for children between the age of 6 - 15. And very less for adults.

Also, Strep throats are very resistant to antibiotics. But luckily, We have the one drug that will cure Strep throat very quick, That is the good old Erythromycin.
Do you know what's worse about a Strep throat? It's knowing that you have it.
prevention is better than cure !



  1. HA!I've wondered about it on several occasions, being exceptionally susceptible to sore throats, I always wondered why I experienced such different symptoms everytime I got a throat infection.....well, atleast now I know not to worry about it being some kind of curse put on me by a wizard hiding somewhere in my house....turns out it's just the streptococcus bacteria hanging around at very unexpected places in my house....WHAT RELEIF!!! Thanks BIO GEEK!! :)

    1. Hi!Thank you so much for the comment!
      Do follow me on Bio Geek!!
