Thursday 15 February 2018

The Ebola Virus

The History of the Ebola virus goes way back to the 1970's. In southern Africa, An eleven month old boy had died of an odd disease, Soon the whole family had died too. In about a month's time, There were a handful of deaths caused by Ebola
They soon came to a conclusion that Ebola had originated from Bats. The reason behind the name ‘Ebola’?. It is because of the river originated in that place named ‘ Ebola’ Hence the name.
Ebola is very clever, it enters the body through mucus glands in our body like eyes,nose and mouth. It also enters through ruptures and breaks on the skin.Once it’s entered,It travels through the blood stream to various parts of the body. It enters the cell and produces RNA copies of it and sends it to the nucleus and the cell makes more and more of the Ebola viruses. The immune system once again send antibodies, but the cells that are supposed to help the body fight the bacteria, Helps the virus.

 Also the virus orders the cells to produce more and more of Cytokine which is used to communicate between cells.As more and more production of Cytokin and viruses increases the Cells burst and cause internal bleeding which gives the patient high blood pressure and temperature. One by one all of the organs like the liver, spleen and lymph nodes start to shut down.

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