Monday 28 May 2018

Why do we yawn ?

 Scientists believe that we yawn because we just don't breathe as deeply as we usually do. As this theory goes, our bodies take in less oxygen because our breathing has slowed. Therefore, yawning helps us bring more oxygen into the blood and move more carbon dioxide out of the blood. 

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Another hypothesis suggests that, It controls the brain temperature. Our brains work best at a certain temperature. Yawning somehow stops the brain from over-heating.

It also regulates blood flow and stretches muscles in the face that are all essential in cooling the brain.

 Why is the Brain hot? Scientists say it is due to exhaustion and sleep deprivation, Which is why we are more likely to yawn at these situations.

Is Yawning contagious? Do you yawn after seeing someone else do it? Yawning is a sign of empathy. Catching yawns may be an unconscious sign that you're attuned to other people's emotions, You are most likely to yawn after seeing someone socially or genetically related to you.

Did you just yawn? Let me know in the comments below! FOLLOW MY BLOG BIO GEEK !


Friday 25 May 2018

What are Dark Circles ?

Most people think that dark circles are formed completely because of  watching movies late in the night or staying up really late on your laptop finishing an assessment, Basically the lack of sleep.

But actually dark circles are just leaking blood vessels around your eye. There are may causes for this.

Image result for dark circles under eyes

1. Sometimes the capillaries under your eyes get damaged and start leaking blood in the surroundings, This is normal for the body, It can take care of tiny problems like this. It can get damaged due to normal and tiny faults within the body( Nothing to be worried about) or when you get wounded or hit in the eye which causes the capillaries to rupture and bleed, It is a very similar process of getting bruises.

2.  As people get old, They lose the volume of their facial skin leading to the illusion of dark areas underneath the eyes.

3. Sometimes, Lack of sleep can be a cause, Lack of sleep causes the eye capillaries to thicken and puff up causing a dark tint under your eye, But they are not chronic, They are reversible by following simple home remedies like placing a tea bag under the eye.

4.Having a poor diet is also a cause of dark circles, lack of water and proteins will reflect on your under eyes.

Since you now know, That having dark circles is not your fault and also that you can get your beautiful under eyes back, You can hang out with me on Bio Geek ! 
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Saturday 19 May 2018

The Science behind White hair

We start our life's journey with not even a single strand of hair, Then slowly strands of hair start to appear, And by the time we pass infancy, Our heads are completely covered with hair and then moving on to adolescence, We still are brimming with happiness because of that long, lustrous black hair and then comes adulthood, The time when that lustrous black hair turns white. But why does it happen ?

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Hair gets its natural color black from a pigment called MELANIN. The formation of melanin begins before birth, The natural color of our hair depends on the distribution, Type, amount of Melanin in the middle layer of the hair shaft. Hair only has 2 colors, Light and dark. They blend together in different amounts to produce different colors of hair.

Melanin is made up of special cells called MELANOCYTES. They position themselves at each opening of a hair follicle. As hair is being formed, Melanocytes inject melanin into the hair cells containing Keratin. Keratin is the pigment that helps our nails, Hair and skin to grow. Throughout, The Melanocytes inject melanin into hair's keratin giving it a colorful hue.

With age comes a reduction of Melanin and hair turns grey and eventually White.

Check out my older post '' science behind aging '' and follow me on Bio geek !



Journey of alcohol through the body

After Ingestion of alcohol, It reaches the stomach. Alcohol does not get digested like any other food. It avoids the process of digestion and makes its way into the small intestine. About 20% of the alcohol gets absorbed by the stomach and rest by the small intestine, And makes its way into the bloodstream, As there is flow of blood everywhere, Alcohol interacts with almost all organs.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: When there is alcohol flowing around in your blood, It makes you're heart beat faster. This is because alcohol is a ' VASODILATOR ' Which means it makes your blood vessels to relax allowing more blood to flow between your skin and tissues. As a result blood pressure drops, To compensate, And make sure you're body get all the blood it needs, The heart pumps faster.

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LIVER: The liver is responsible for breaking down 90% of the alcohol, It breaks down alcohol into a chemical called acetaldehyde, Which later is broken down into carbon and water which our body can get rid of. The Liver can only break down a little alcohol at a time, If you drink too much, The Alcohol concentration in your blood increases and you might feel sick, Or might even pass out.

KIDNEYS AND BLADDER: Kidneys filter our blood, Making sure only waste products make their way out and useful things like proteins and water remain in the body, Kidneys also keep the amount of water in the body stable, Until Alcohol gets involved. Alcohol is a diuretic, Something that makes the body produce more urine. So, The more one drinks, The more water is being expelled out carelessly.

BRAIN: Alcohol is a depressant which takes a toll on different parts of the body.
              CEREBRAL CORTEX: Foggy, Slow thinking with blurred vision and auditory senses.
               CEREBELLUM          : Wobbly and unbalanced walking
                 MEDULLA               :  Excessive sleepiness and lowered body temperature.