Saturday 19 May 2018

Journey of alcohol through the body

After Ingestion of alcohol, It reaches the stomach. Alcohol does not get digested like any other food. It avoids the process of digestion and makes its way into the small intestine. About 20% of the alcohol gets absorbed by the stomach and rest by the small intestine, And makes its way into the bloodstream, As there is flow of blood everywhere, Alcohol interacts with almost all organs.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: When there is alcohol flowing around in your blood, It makes you're heart beat faster. This is because alcohol is a ' VASODILATOR ' Which means it makes your blood vessels to relax allowing more blood to flow between your skin and tissues. As a result blood pressure drops, To compensate, And make sure you're body get all the blood it needs, The heart pumps faster.

Image result for alcohols journey in body
LIVER: The liver is responsible for breaking down 90% of the alcohol, It breaks down alcohol into a chemical called acetaldehyde, Which later is broken down into carbon and water which our body can get rid of. The Liver can only break down a little alcohol at a time, If you drink too much, The Alcohol concentration in your blood increases and you might feel sick, Or might even pass out.

KIDNEYS AND BLADDER: Kidneys filter our blood, Making sure only waste products make their way out and useful things like proteins and water remain in the body, Kidneys also keep the amount of water in the body stable, Until Alcohol gets involved. Alcohol is a diuretic, Something that makes the body produce more urine. So, The more one drinks, The more water is being expelled out carelessly.

BRAIN: Alcohol is a depressant which takes a toll on different parts of the body.
              CEREBRAL CORTEX: Foggy, Slow thinking with blurred vision and auditory senses.
               CEREBELLUM          : Wobbly and unbalanced walking
                 MEDULLA               :  Excessive sleepiness and lowered body temperature.



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