Saturday 14 September 2019

Science behind permanent tattoos

Hey..yeah you! The one with the beautiful ancient fire breathing dragon on your arm, I'm talking to you. Ever thought how a permanent tattoo lasts? Wouldn't the immune system clot the tattoo?

Tattoo application uses a mechanized needle to puncture the skin and eject ink into the demis, the second layer of the skin. Since the needle damages the skin, white blood cells try to absorb the ink particle to excrete it in the blood stream. Usually, this would work.

The actual secret behind the permanent nature of the tattoo is the particles of the ink and their size.
The pigment particles size are way too big to be eaten by the white blood cells, so it just sits there.

The ways to remove them are crazy dangerous, but it works. I meant Methods like burning it and cutting it out. But a much safer way is for a laser treatment. The laser beam would break the ink particles small enough to be flushed out by the white blood cells into the blood stream. But it causes problems like formation of scars and sometimes the tattoo doesn't come off completely!

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