Thursday 22 March 2018

Who lives near a volcano ?

Volcanoes are the most hottest spots on the planets. A person being several meters away from a volcano can get blisters on their and hands and exposed skin, Which doesn't feel good.

But who do you think, Yet again managed to live and thrive near this dangerous crater being home to boiling lava and volcanic ash ? You guessed it. Microorganisms flourish in such hot spots.

In the year 1980, Bacteria were discovered who can live in heat exceeding the boiling point of water ! The bacteria that live in extreme temperatures are called as extremophiles

Marine biologists sent a probe with a camera down below the coast of Hawaii to observe the underwater volcanic, Loihi, And to find out, If life did exist at such extreme temperatures. And what they found was astonishing.

They saw so many microorganisms, Little fish and the most surprising of them all was SHARKS !!!
The temperature of a volcano is 1200 degrees centigrade.

And somehow, These basic and single celled organisms with basic functions can survive there ! Their very nature is beautiful. And also Sharks, That have adapted to such heat !

Thanks to scientists who have worked day and night to educate the world about these mythical creatures !



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