Saturday 24 March 2018

How coffee keeps you awake ?

Coffee is the second most consumed beverage after tea. We consume coffee as a source of energy and activeness. Coffee keeps us that way, Because it contains Caffeine, Which is an alkaloid compound that is a stimulant to the central nervous system. Pretty sure you know that, But have you wondered what it actually does inside the body ?

The human body needs a constant source of energy called 'Adenosine', We get it by breaking down the energy molecule, ATP ( adenosine triphosphate ). The neurons in our nervous system have receptors that are perfectly designed for adenosine to land on.

When Adenosine lands on the receptors, The neurons trigger a bio-chemical reaction all through the body which makes the produce of important brain signaling molecules to slow down, Which makes you sleepy.

But, Caffeine on the other hand, Does exactly the opposite, It does not allow the Adenosine molecules to settle in the receptors as Caffeine molecules settle there.

As the receptors don't have any Adenosine on them, We do not feel sleepy.

Did you know ?
That various studies have proved to show that Caffeine improves alertness, Concentration and enhances memory ?

So, Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy knowing the ins and outs of your body with me on BIO GEEK !



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