Wednesday 4 April 2018

What is Diabetes ?

Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body's ability to produce insulin is impaired, Resulting in elevated levels of sugar in the blood.
 An adult needs to consume only a total of 35 grams of sugar per day !!

The Pancreas is the vital organ that maintains the sugar levels in the blood. It does it by secreting 2 hormones, Insulin and Gluagon. Having too much or too less sugar in the blood can be life threatening.

After a heavy meal, Our blood gets mobbed by sugar. To bring the levels back to normal, The pancreas release Insulin, That moves excess sugars into cells to be stored or to be used as energy. Insulin also shuts down the sugar production of the liver. When blood sugar is low, The Pancreas release Glucagon making the cells and liver release sugar into the blood.

Diabetes occurs when the Pancreas is no more functioning properly. Most people who suffer with Diabetes, Have higher amount of Glucagon in their blood.

Diabetes are divided into Type 1 and Type 2.
Type 1 develops mostly in childhood and adolescence. It can also be seen in adults. There is no cure for it, Despite years of searching. It occurs due to genetic defects and exposure to bacteria and viruses.

Type 2 develops mainly in adults. And again it is caused by genetic and immune defects and it can be controlled by Insulin shots, Healthy food and balanced diets.

Read the table given below carefully ! You just might prevent Diabetes.


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