Saturday 23 June 2018

Science of Scars

Scars are the one thing that make your face look pretty ugly. Nobody wants scars, Not even your body, But your body just can't help it. I'll tell you why.

When you get a slit or get wounded, Your body quickly starts pulling the edges of the wound together by growing epithelial tissues around it. In the second layer of skin, The dermis, Contains fibroblasts ready to help in healing.

Fibroblasts are cells containing collagen. Collagen is a protein that is laid down on the wound to help strengthen the skin. The fibroblasts lay down an organised lattice of collagen on the wound. After a few weeks or so, You are healed !

Image result for scars

Wait a minute, Isn't it supposed to form scars ?

Scars are formed when the body very quickly responds to the slit or wound, It works so fast, That it doesn't know what its doing. The fibroblasts rush to the crime scene and deposit collagen in a very unorganized way which forms scars.   

One other thing you learnt from this post is that healing from a wound can be a pretty big and painful process, So the next time you clime a tree, I hope that you'd actually place your hands around it. : )



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